As you are probably aware by now, I have launched my Ukemi Foundations Course: an online program that focuses on Mobility Development & Injury Prevention through learning breakfalls and rolls, balancing skills, functional flexibility, & natural strengthening.
My goal for this course is to also provide a support group as you work through the content of the course on your own time, that includes weekly live lessons and Q&A session with myself. This will involve signing up for the cohort (a work group) and week by week, completing portions of the program on your own, while having access to a group of people who are also working on the course at the same time.
Through an 8 week period, you'll cover all of the content of the course, and each week, you'll have the chance to submit any questions you may have which will be addressed in a live online video call that will be recorded for those who cannot attend. During this call, I'll answer any of the questions and demonstrate some techniques and progressions that may be helpful and may not be covered in the course.
In between calls, there will be a group chat where you can discuss the course with other participants, which I will be a part of. In this group chat, you can even upload videos of your progress, or your attempt at techniques where you may be getting stuck. I will provide coaching advice and helpful tidbits in response to comments and discussions in these groups.

Learn more about why this should be a priority for you in the paragraphs below, but if you already know that you want to get in on this timely opportunity to be guided through the course material... Click here to register for the cohort, which will take place between October 5th - November 30th, 2024... Use the promo code: SUBLOVE at checkout to get lifetime access to the course for just $100 (CAD) (reg. $150) and a free invitation to the first cohort if you register before September 7th, 2024.
Throughout these 8 weeks, you'll learn how to perform the forward, back, and side breakfalls, as well as the forward, back, and side rolls; first from lying down, then from sitting/crawling, then from kneeling/squatting, and finally working your way up to standing. This approach is based on developing confidence and competence at each progression before moving on to the next.
Even though the focus is on learning these 6 safe-falling techniques, there are so many elements of balancing, flexibility, and strengthening that you'll need to develop, alongside the main techniques of the course in order to unlock the ability to perform these techniques smoothly. Thus, there are three modules, each respectively focused on strength, flexibility, and balancing that are major focal points of the course.
Through learning the basic breakfall and rolling techniques, you'll improve your ability to squat, support yourself on a single leg, lower yourself to the ground with control, and support your weight with your arms. These are pivotal attributes that relate to your ability to prevent injury during physical activity and in daily life's trips and slips. At the same time, you will be building a foundations in being able to move more freely and confidently.

There are many programs that develop mobility, strength and balance, but none that have such a foundational focus on our relationship with our bodies and gravity in a practical way that truly carries over to everything you do in life. This program is designed to teach you how to fall safely, but in this process, your ability to sit and stand naturally, to walk with grace and stability, to understand your subtle body mechanics, to sit and move on the ground with fluidity, and to avoid instability altogether will be greatly enhanced. After practicing many forms of movement, mobility training, and martial arts, I truly believe that this skillset should be at the foundation of every individual's practice before engaging in any unpredictable movement. Ideally, we should all be learning these skills as children, but in or society, we prioritize sports and other activities that are beyond the fundamentals, and the result is an increased risk of injuries and danger, not just in sports, but in mundane daily life.
I may not know you, but I know for certain that you will fall in your life, and whether you get up unscathed is much less of a gamble if you acquire these skills as a foundation.

Once again, the cohort will take place between October 5th - November 30th, and the deadline for registration will be September 21st, 2024. The number of participants accepted will be limited to ensure a responsive experience, so be sure to register as soon as you decide. There are a few options to register. If you have not purchased the course (for lifetime access), you can register for $120 (CAD), which includes access to the course for the 8 week duration of the course, plus 2 weeks before the course begins, and 2 weeks after the course ends, along with access to be personally through the group chat and weeks live sessions. If you purchase the course for lifetime access, the cost of the cohort is $60 (CAD). However to show appreciation to early adopters, this first cohort will be free for those who purchase the course before the cohort deadline. Furthermore, lifetime access to the course, normally $150 (CAD), is available for only $100 (CAD) until September 7th, 2024.
So, if you purchase the course before September 7th, you'll have lifetime access to the course, along with free access to this first cohort for just $100 (CAD). That's $20 less than registering for just the cohort.
Until September 7th, purchasing the course will automatically give you an invitation to the cohort, and after this date, other registration options will open up, along with the elimination of the $50 early bird discount for lifetime access to the course.
Register now for $100 (CAD), and get a head start on familiarizing yourself with the course while you wait for the cohort to begin!
I look forward to working together and training with one another!