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Through the link above, you will see the in-person services that I offer, including one-on-one sessions as well as workshops and other events. The recommended treatment duration is 60 - 90 minutes. 90 minutes is most suitable for treating deeper imbalances, and for those who want to spend a little more time with mobility training along with their treatment session.
If you are unsure, or if this is your first session, You are welcome to contact me with any questions.
My services are provided at your location. I travel to you and bring all equipment, which allows you to rest and continue the healing process after your treatment is over, rather than having to go out and face traffic.
$120 / 1 hour
$30 / each additional 15 minutes
Travel Fee:
Up to $50 depending on location
I provide by services across Toronto & the GTA. Depending on the time it takes to travel to your location, your treatment may include a travel fee as well. Please contact me if you would like to confirm the total treatment fee including travel cost for your specific location.
What To Expect from a Session
The foundation of my treatment method is Shiatsu and Sotai therapy, which also include complimentary self-care exercises. This involves deep pressure with the thumbs, fingers and palms, assisted stretches and joint mobilizations, as well as structural alignment techniques that involve a more active involvement.
These sessions include assessment, treatment, and instruction and coaching in simple self-care recommendations. These recommendations may include lifestyle adjustments, most specifically regarding postural habits, and suggested corrective exercise routines to maintain between treatment sessions.
With Shiatsu and Sotai, treatment and assessment are one. Throughout our treatment session, palpating and moving the body reveals to me the weaknesses and antagonistic abnormal tensions that are behind your symptoms better than any normal visual screen can. From this deep hands-on analysis accompanying, the most appropriate self-care exercises can be recommended. When assessment is done with this level of precision, very few exercises are needed. What's more important, in order to maintain the momentum of healing, is consistency.
The self-care exercises draw from the following modalities:
Meridian Stretching
Sotai Exercise
Natural Movement Training
Ukemi Foundations
Functional Range Conditioning
What makes my approach unique, is the inclusion of retraining our natural movement patterns, along with the more specific therapeutic focus of self-treatment methods, and the more flexibility focus of the mobility methods, together in a perfectly complimentary package.
Treatment alone, with any modality amounts to little more than symptom management if you are not including at least a bare minimum self-care routine, which involves a commitment of less than 10 minutes per day of movements that transform your body by means of postural alignment, and restoring natural range of motion. Without addressing the damage that sedentary lifestyles, activities that are harsh on the joints, and habitual self-destructive patterns have on our body through a routine that is focused on your specific imbalances, getting a treatment once or twice per month has but a shadow of the potential to make lasting changes, no matter the modality. Yoga classes, and general training that is not specifically focused on your unique imbalances and condition can feel good, and make some superficial improvements, but will not address your deeper fundamental issues effectively.
Through movement therapy modalities like Shiatsu & Sotai, Alex can specifically feel the patterns that need to be addressed at a level that a professional who is simply watching you move can not. The combination of movement therapy, and crafting a mobility training program goes deeper than conventional approaches, and Alex's decades of developing his method and his personal practice provides a level of expertise that you won't find anywhere else

A note from Alex:
If there's one thing I have learned in my two decades as a professional Shiatsu & Sotai therapist, it's that we cannot fix our problems without changing the lifestyle habits that are distorting them in the first place. This involves understanding the fundamental principles of movements and shifting weight, and continually adjusting the few exercises recommended for your daily practice to restore balance in your body.
If you're ready to harmonize your imbalances and correct the distortions in your body, I'm here to guide you and help you break through the plateaus that you will face along the way.
Sotai & Shiatsu
Manual Therapy Treatment
Sotai & Shiatsu are both manual therapy modalities emerging from Japan. They combine both modern medical science with deeply effective traditional healing methods based on the meridian system. They are deeply effective therapies for treating abnormal pain and tension in the body, restoring postural alignment, facilitating healing after an injury, treatment of chronic issues, and as a potent preventative medicine.
Shiatsu involves mainly thumb, finger, and palm pressure, not only to a problem area, but also to distal parts of the body that have a connection to the problem. Shiatsu also involves assisted stretching, and techniques where the therapists moves your joints passively through a certain range of motion.

Sotai is an active treatment method. It involves comparing two movements to determine which is less strenuous, then the recipient moves their body in that direction while the therapist applies gentle resistance. This is all synchronized with respiration, and guided by the therapist, and the result is a reeducation of the neuromuscular system and the improvement of a person's postural alignment and tension patterns.
Another modality worth mentioning that is part of Alex's practice is Kenbiki Therapy, a method of treatment that addresses the alignment of tendons. This is a very effective compliment for Shiatsu and Sotai, especially when addressing acute injuries such as sprains, but is not something that is necessarily used in most treatments.

Inquire About Personal Mobility Training
I also provide one-on-one training for mobility development training without a the inclusion of a treatment session. These sessions are delivered in a continuous series of weekly training appointments with home-work-sessions to do between our appointment sessions. To inquire about this service, please use the form through the link below.