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Natural Elements in Algonquin
Immersive Natural Movement Retreat

Join us for an immersion into (your true) nature at our 3-day retreat in majestic Algonquin Park. This combines canoeing, natural movement training, self-treatment, and bonding with your natural environment. This retreat is a collaboration between Alex Schenker, founder of Natural Mobility, and Chris Kelly, co-founder of Driftwood Paddle.


This year's event will be between August 16th - 18th, 2024, when the bugs are mild, and the weather is warm.

*All Equipment including sleeping bags, tents, & canoes as well as meals and snacks are provided.


Cost: $880 + HST ($200 deposit + full payment due July 16th.

driftwood paddle, canoe trip, algonquin park, adventure, hiking, outdoors, shinrin yoku, forest bathing, nature lover, community, natural movement, movnat

In this retreat, we will be trekking from Driftwood Paddle headquarters to a suitable campsite on the mainland, and from there, we will explore some beautiful places, each with with novel natural movement training opportunities. We'll break down and learn the natural movement techniques applied to moving through nature, such as climbing trees, balancing, jumping, ground movement, stealth, lifting and carrying things (and people!), and activities such as canoeing/portaging day trips. This getaway involves an aquatic element that will include learning and refining natural swimming techniques in the pristine lakes in the area. CK will be sharing his expertise as well in an exploration of the safety protocol and techniques for how to get back in if you fall out or flip your canoe. If the weather is nice, we'll spend some time practicing this!


This may sound pretty action packed, but we make time for low intensity activities such as guided forest therapy sessions, self-treatment & stretching sessions, and of course, free time for rest and reflection.


This is the third year that we are running this Algonquin retreat, as a collaboration between Natural Mobility & Driftwood Paddle. When CK and Alex met, Alex was facilitating a MovNat Certification that CK was attending. The two felt an instant bond and soon after, CK invited Alex to collaborate on the first retreat, and they have been collaborating on yearly excursions ever since.


Driftwood Paddle offers guided backcountry canoe trips, and is founded by two brothers, Kieran & Chris Kelly. CK is an expert outdoorsman, Natural Movement trainer, expert canoe instructor, and professional facilitator of adventures in the Algonquin wilderness.

Reach Out To Alex

If you have any questions before committing to the retreat please don't hesitate to get in touch now.

Thanks for submitting!
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